Texas Spine Care Can Help with


Sometimes referred to as a herniated, ruptured or slipped disc, a bulging disc can cause pain at any point along the spine from the neck to the lower back.  

What Is Bulging Disc?

A bulging disc occurs when a spinal disc is damaged and the tough exterior extends out of it’s normal location between two vertebrae, resulting in irritation and pain from the surrounding nerves. A bulging disc may also be interchanged with conditions, such as slipped disc, ruptured disc or herniated disc, however there are slight differences between these conditions.

Pain from bulging discs often occur in the lower back or neck and can occur suddenly from injury or be due to deterioration over time as a normal part of the aging process – making it an extremely common condition.  

How do I know if I have Lower Back Pain?

Symptoms for this very common condition often centralize as pain in the lower back, but can also travel to other areas of the body, such as the buttocks or legs. Persistent pain in the legs and lower back may be a sign of another spine condition known as sciatica.

Lower back pain symptoms can manifest as dull aches, muscle spasms, and/or soreness. This common condition can be triggered from traumatic injury such as fractures, ruptured discs or arthritis, but also much more subtle causes such as poor posture, lack of regular exercise, or improper lifting and carrying.

What’s the right treatment for me?

Although lower back pain is very common, effective treatment methods can be unique for every individual. Undergoing evaluation and diagnosis from Dr. Bruggeman is the best way to plan your path to lower back pain relief.

While conservative pain management measures, including physical therapy, medications, or spinal injections, can offer temporary pain relief surgical options may offer a more long-term solution for your lower back pain, speaking with Dr. Bruggeman will help identify the cause of your pain and which treatments options or minimally invasive surgical procedures that can resolve your painful condition.


Take the first step toward a pain-free life. Use our online pain evaluation tool to determine what treatment may be right for you.

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